Monday, June 27, 2011

It’s that time of year…

It is the time of year when I am putting together Noah’s end-of-year  portfolio.  In the state we live in it is one of the things we can choose for “evaluation”.  I like to do the portfolio – it’s fun seeing one school years’ work all in one little notebook.  Though sometimes the actual putting together can seem like it takes a year!  Especially if I wasn’t very organized.  Yikes! 
A portfoilio is simply a notebook with the things we did for the school year.  I have a section for each subject, one for the standarized testing he did, one for things like field trips and library books, etc.  Looking something like this…
This is just ONE mess of papers. 
But I do get it all organized into nice, neat categories!
After doing this for three years, I have a pretty good system.  I realize  that the school superintendant does not care to see every day of my child’s work!  So, I choose 1 daily work from beginning, middle, and end of school year.  1 quiz from middle of year, and 1 test from beginning, middle, and end of school year.  For each subject.  I also include some pictures of what we did through out  the year. 
letter  Language Arts
Robot museumField Trip
This year, using the collage feature, on Picnik, I was able to put the pictures together for each subject.  Certainly, saved me a lot of time and tape!
When I mail in the portfolio, I also mail in the Letter of Intent and Educational Plan (again required in my state), to homeschool next year.  He’s now all set for another year!

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