Saturday, May 14, 2011

What we couldn’t do without…

I am going to attempt to list what we couldn’t live without while we homeschool.  These things… just make life easier. 

Pencils – And lots of them.  Not the kind you have to sharpen.  No… he would take most of the day just to sharpen a pencil  (to get out of his work of course)
The mechanical kind, and even better that that we use the smaller ones.  - these seems to help his writing a little.
They all go into a little magnetic cup holder thingy on his white board which sits right next to him. 
school obects 002school obects 003

A Timer – definitely  a timer to keep him on task.  We just use the timer that is on the Ipod Touch.  This is fun for him, because I let him choose the “alarm sound”  -- something fun like ducks quacking or a car honking, or something like that.  I don’t know why, but a timer works  for him.

A schedule -  At the beginning of this school year, I used a form of schedule like workbox.  
workboxtags1(click the picture for the site)  This is where I got the wonderful ideas for these workbox tags!  Thanks Robin at Heart of Wisdom. 

While this type of schedule worked for Noah, we tried something different later in the year. 

My printer and computer – I use both of these just about everyday.  There is always some worksheet or something invaluable  to benefit us in our schooling.

A lapsize white board, and dry erase marker -  we use this all the time for practice work.  Just another “different” way of practicing new skills.  Like math facts, new grammar rules, or drawing, etc.
click for where to get one!

Netflix – Netflix is awesome for school.  It has so many documentaries (or just movies that go with what we were learning)  on instant play. 

Ipod Touch/Ipad -   we personally have the Ipod Touch.  There are so many educational apps these days. 
Many of which are free.  We also use it for his Bible reading, SOME book reading, and listening, and for music of course. 
These are just a few of the things we couldn’t live without… I am sure there are many more I have forgotten. 


  1. Know what's crazy? I've been working on a similar post for the past month. I just haven't finished it up yet.


    Love your list. Toby's alwasy been so industrious that I never needed a timer. Until this year. And next year with adding Bri in the mix...I'm betting I should probably invest!


  2. Too funny.. I've been thinking about doing this post for awhile. Love how different children are. Enjoy teaching your kids!
    Erin :)


Noah's 4th grade reading list

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