In history, we use Tapestry of Grace – Year 4, we are now learning about the beginning of the 1900’s. Today we learned about the great earthquake of San Francisco in 1906. We did two things.
First, he had to make an “earthquake proof” building. We used what we had. Marshmallows, and straws. I was going to have him use toothpicks, but apparently didn’t have those like I thought I did. Oh well, it gave him more of a challenge.
At the beginning, he used mini marshmallows.
In his words, “First attempt – failed”
But we talked about what else could be done, and decided bigger marshmallows would help.
Testing its durability….
Final product…works!
After that we watched a documentary from Netflix on the San Francisco earthquake.
What a great project!
He was so excited to do this project. It taught him patient, and how to work through a problem!