Thursday, June 30, 2011

Notable Noah – What do you say to this?

Yesterday Noah washed the dishes,  he started them without telling me.  In the middle of washing, he asked me if  washing dishes could be added to his chores.  Who is going to say no to that, right? 
photoof course, as you can see, he used A LOT of dish soap doing them.  :) 
BUT, one never really knows what Noah is going so say next!
He comes up to me, arms dripping water, up to his elbows in soap suds, and says, “I am all finished, do you think I’ll make a good husband?” 
Just exactly what do you say to a nine year old with a  question like that?  “Ummm… I think you have some more time, but boy, that will be one lucky lady!”   So, Noah says beaming, “Thank you, mom.”

So…Noah is planner…always has been. 
He has CONTEMPLATED (it seriously will keep him up at night):
College…. he wants to be an engineer (to invent stuff), and a doctor (to heal people)
His future… an emergency/labratory underground house (cause its different, I guess)
….Five kids and four  dogs… 
and now he apparently, he is working on being good husband material.  :)

Needless to say we have discussed this verse a lot. 
Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Noah, I love you, and THANK YOU for keeping me on my toes!   

Monday, June 27, 2011

It’s that time of year…

It is the time of year when I am putting together Noah’s end-of-year  portfolio.  In the state we live in it is one of the things we can choose for “evaluation”.  I like to do the portfolio – it’s fun seeing one school years’ work all in one little notebook.  Though sometimes the actual putting together can seem like it takes a year!  Especially if I wasn’t very organized.  Yikes! 
A portfoilio is simply a notebook with the things we did for the school year.  I have a section for each subject, one for the standarized testing he did, one for things like field trips and library books, etc.  Looking something like this…
This is just ONE mess of papers. 
But I do get it all organized into nice, neat categories!
After doing this for three years, I have a pretty good system.  I realize  that the school superintendant does not care to see every day of my child’s work!  So, I choose 1 daily work from beginning, middle, and end of school year.  1 quiz from middle of year, and 1 test from beginning, middle, and end of school year.  For each subject.  I also include some pictures of what we did through out  the year. 
letter  Language Arts
Robot museumField Trip
This year, using the collage feature, on Picnik, I was able to put the pictures together for each subject.  Certainly, saved me a lot of time and tape!
When I mail in the portfolio, I also mail in the Letter of Intent and Educational Plan (again required in my state), to homeschool next year.  He’s now all set for another year!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Notable Noah – At the Lake!

As he told me today on our way down to the lake for swimming.  “He waits all year for this!”  He loves swimming.  I would have to say it is his #1 sport, baseball 2nd. 
Today is OPENING DAY.  And we were there bright. and. early. 
getting ready
walking Trying to walk with all that stuff on!
swim handstand
He is building a chair.
chair tryingtogetcomfy Trying to get comfy in that chair.
Instead decided to make a bed…
Since it was opening day, the BEACH had snacks/drinks available.

drinking And why not just drink your popcorn from a cup?

the quick wink he gives me after he ask me to post the lake pictures on the blog.  :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quite a week

Last week was quite a week.
First, a visit to New Jersey (to visit Grandparents), and then a visit to the Statute of Liberty, and Ellis Island.  We had studied Ellis Island in history this past year, and since we were “close”, I thought it would be a great thing for Noah to experience. 
To be honest, I didn’t really have high hopes. 
  But… He seemed to really like the museum.  I guess seeing the exhibits in person got him to thinking about the people that came from other countries.  

He’s reading about famous Americans and where they originally came from
007    008 Completely fascinated by the kissing post.
Here they are telling all different ways of greeting your loved ones depending on what country you are from.

011  012
I am not sure what he was thinking exactly, but he was staring at these shoes – for a while.
I found it fascinating just watching HIM!
This is a replica of Ellis Island.  He looked at this while also. 
I think he liked the tiny, plastic people they put in there.
029 Waiting on the ferry.
047_crop The Statue of Liberty.
He humoring me, (I asked him to take off his hat and sunglasses for a better pic).
He thought I was silly…   053 … better! 
It was a great field trip… even if it was close to 100 degrees out.  Seeing what those people coming through Ellis Island went through makes you stop and think how good we have it here in this country. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Reading List for 4th grade!

I am working on a reading list for Noah’s 4th grade year.  So, here it is (in no particular order)
Noah will be reading:
The Courage of Sarah Noble  by Alice Dalgliesh
A Lion to Guard Us by Clyde Robert Bulla
Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan
Old Yeller by Fred Gipson
Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright
All of A Kind Family by Sydney Taylor
Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
Henry Reed, Inc by Keith Robertson
Homer Price by Robert McClosky

Audio books for Noah:
Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
Our Town by Thornton Wilder
Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter
The Red Pony by John Steinbeck
The diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank

Missionary books he will read:
Brother Andrew by Janet and Geoff Benge
Corrie Ten Boom by Janet and Geoff Benge
Eric Liddell by Janet and Geoff Benge
Jacob Deshazer by Janet and Geoff Benge
Jim Elliot by Janet and Geoff Benge
Nate Saint by Janet and Geoff Benge
Richard Wurmbrand by Catherine Mackenzie

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Notable Noah – Summer school

I love how Noah is doing his work!  He has not complained one time that I am making him do SCHOOL WORK in the summer. 
That just tells me that he must be growing up.

Noah school summer
He is doing Daily Summer Activities by Evan-moor

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yum… Chocolate~

Summer time always gets me to thinking about nighttime campfires, and roasting s’mores.  Well, believe it or not, we can make even s’more-making educational!  With the help of Amanda Bennett’s unit study on Chocolate. {if you choose to get her unit study on chocolate} Yum!!!!

What originally caught my eye was this
June_Summer_of_Fun_Cover_SM   I am all about something giving me ideas for summer activities, and a CALENDAR of monthly activities looked right up my alley. 
If you decide to download it (click on the image), you will see it starts off with this week being the week for Chocolate Challenge. One of the days suggestions is to make s’mores.  (But, before you do watch this video on how chocolate is made)

How to make a smore… outside
     Gather around a warm campfire with friends or family.
     Break a graham cracker into two halves. Place one quarter of a chocolate bar on one half of a graham cracker.  
     Stick one large marshmallow on the end of a wire or clean stick. An unwound wire hanger works well.
     Hold your marshmallow several inches over the hot embers of the fire.
     Rotate the wire as the marshmallow cooks, allowing the marshmallow to become lightly browned all over.
     Place the browned marshmallow on top of the graham cracker and chocolate.
     Place the other half of the graham cracker on top of the marshmallow, creating a sandwich.
     While firmly holding the two graham crackers together, pull the wire out of the marshmallow.
     Wait about 30 seconds for the warm marshmallow to melt the chocolate.
     Eat the s'more after allowing it to cool. You'll want some more - so return to step two.
Enjoy your s’mores and the time with your family!     Smores_Illustration

Noah's 4th grade reading list

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